Anna Nikolskaya-Ekseli

Nikolskaya-Ekseli, Anna O. (born June 14, 1979, Barnaul, Altai Region, U.S.S.R.) - Award winning author of stories and books in the children and Sci-Fi genres.


Early Life
Father: Nikolsky, Oleg K.(born May 9, 1937) - Doctor of Electrical Sciences, Professor, Altai State Technical University
Mother: Lidia (born September 22, 1945) - Doctor of Psychiatry

Education and Affiliations
Graduated from Altai State Technical University, Moscow International School of Design, College of Art and Design Chelsea, London.
Member of the following Associations: International Federation of Russian Writers, Association of Children and Young Writers' Union of Russia. Anna is the Chief Editor of the illustrated children’s magazine “Yellow Caterpillar”.


Best Altai Region Children's Book - 2005
A. Tolstoy International Competition Award for Children and Young People in artistic, scientific and popular literature - 2007
Literal Vienna, Austria - International Competition - 2008 (for Не бойся… FUNтастика/22)
Ambassador of Peace Award (Lifetime emeritus) from Convent of People's Diplomacy (Rome, IT) - July 5, 2009

Sergei Mihalkov International Competition of children’s books-2010.

Adult Life
Anna is married and has one child.

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